
World without Time

  The Persistence of Memory - S. Dali "Do we exist in time, or does time exist in us? (...) We conventionally think of time as something simple and fundamental that flows uniformly, independently from everything else, from the past to the future, measured by clocks and watches. In the course of time, the events of the unverse succeed each other in an orderly way: pasts, presents, futures. The past is fixed, the future open ... And yet all of this has turned out to be false. One after another, the characteristic features of time have proved to be approximations, mistakes determined by our perspective, just like the flatness of the Earth or the revolving of the sun. (...) What we call 'time' is a complex collection of structures, of layers." - Carlo Rovelli, The Order of Time

How to Think Computationally about AI, the Universe and Everything

  Stephen Wolfram    Writings  How to Think Computationally about AI, the Universe and Everything

Are we approaching quantum gravity all wrong?

    Starts With A Bang — September 16, 2021 Are we approaching quantum gravity all wrong? Are we approaching quantum gravity all wrong?    An exclusive interview with physicist Lee Smolin reveals how abandoning Einstein's dream may have been a terrible mistake. by Ethan Siegel  

Petty Woman

                                The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Petty Woman Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook

How the Personal Genome Project Could Unlock the Mysteries of Life

George Church is dyslexic, narcoleptic, and a vegan. He is married with one daughter, weighs about 210 pounds, and has worn a pioneer-style bushy beard for decades. He has elevated levels of creatine kinase in his blood, the consequence of a heart attack. He enjoys waterskiing, photography, rock climbing, and singing in his church choir. His mother's maiden name is Strong. He was born on August 28, 1954.

Animal Spirits

(...) the business cycle is connected to fluctuations in personnal commitment to principles of good behavior, and to fluctuations in predatory activity, which in turn is related to changes in opportunities for such activity. in Akerlof, George A., and Robert J. Schiller. 2009. Animal Spirits: 38

Aniversário do Rui

Hoje o Rui faz 10 anos. É incrível mas já passou uma década desde que levei a Lena ao Santa Maria para ver o Rui nascer cerca das 20:20.