
Showing posts from 2010

How the Personal Genome Project Could Unlock the Mysteries of Life

George Church is dyslexic, narcoleptic, and a vegan. He is married with one daughter, weighs about 210 pounds, and has worn a pioneer-style bushy beard for decades. He has elevated levels of creatine kinase in his blood, the consequence of a heart attack. He enjoys waterskiing, photography, rock climbing, and singing in his church choir. His mother's maiden name is Strong. He was born on August 28, 1954.

Animal Spirits

(...) the business cycle is connected to fluctuations in personnal commitment to principles of good behavior, and to fluctuations in predatory activity, which in turn is related to changes in opportunities for such activity. in Akerlof, George A., and Robert J. Schiller. 2009. Animal Spirits: 38

Aniversário do Rui

Hoje o Rui faz 10 anos. É incrível mas já passou uma década desde que levei a Lena ao Santa Maria para ver o Rui nascer cerca das 20:20.

Tech-Talch – Chatroulette

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Tech-Talch - Chatroulette Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform

Encargos com juros da dívida pública

De acordo o Orçamento do Estado para 2010, os cofres públicos portugueses terão de desembolsar, este ano, mais de 5,3 mil milhões de euros em juros, o que representa 3,2% do Produto Interno Bruto previsto.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on flow

Social Media ROI: Socialnomics

Social Media Revolution

Call Center - The Movie

Os pobres que paguem a crise

Tudo igual, com a diferença de já não ser preciso justificá-lo. Já não acontece “para nosso bem”. Acontece porque sim.

Peter Donnelly shows how stats fool juries